Performance Art

Nascimento/Lovera: Canción para Banda Militar (Song for a Military Band)

Monday, May 26, 2014
3:00 pm–3:45 pm

The artistic practice of Venezuelan artists Nascimento/Lovera centers on the intersections of official and popular culture. Their performance Song for a Military Band, 2014, brings together the U.S. Coast Guard Band, local hip-hop artists Foundation Movement, and Brazilian drum troupe Marcus Santos and Bloco AfroBrazil to play a concert on the MFA lawn. Nascimento/Lovera invites the audience, as well as the organizers and participants in the piece, to entertain the idea of a utopian junction between civic and military voices. Through this performance, we are all united by a common love of music and its communicative power.

This event took place May 26, 2014, as part of the exhibition “Permission To Be Global/Prácticas Globales: Latin American Art from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection,” March 19, 2014—July 13, 2014.

Photo by Eduardo Restrepo


This project is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Generously supported by MFA Associates/MFA Senior Associates.