Patron Program Newsletter: Winter 2016

In this issue, learn about the exhibition “Made in the Americas: The New World Discovers Asia” from curator Dennis Carr, and read about the transformation of the Song Gallery and a wonderful trip to Brazil.

Welcome Letter from Joy Kant

Patron Program Committee
What an exciting fall we have had with the arrival of Matthew Teitelbaum, Ann and Graham Gund Director, and the opening of so many compelling…

An Exhilarating Exhibition Curated by Dennis Carr

Patron Program Committee
Since his first weeks at the Museum in 2007, Dennis Carr, Carolyn and Peter Lynch Curator of American Decorative Arts and Sculpture, has been a…

The Transformation of the Song Gallery

Patron Program Committee
Popularly known as the “Chinese horse gallery,” the Paul and Helen Bernat Gallery, 274, is the latest in the Museum’s extensive program to upgrade and…

Enjoy an Artistic Adventure in Brazil

Patron Program Committee
Next fall, Patrons of the MFA will embark on a spectacular 12-day adventure south of the equator to the vibrant nation of Brazil. Led by Jen Mergel…