Arts of the Ancient Americas
The ancient cultures of the Americas comprise a vast array of societies, whose peoples spoke thousands of languages and dialects, developed...
Toulouse-Lautrec and the Stars of Paris
Lavishly illustrated with reproductions of iconic images along with rarely seen sketches, and illuminated by insightful essays, this volume shines a...
Graciela Iturbide's Mexico
Graciela Iturbide has engaged with her homeland as a subject for the past fifty years in images of great variety and depth. The intensely personal...
Arts and Crafts Jewelry in Boston
Frank Gardner Hale and His Circle
A vibrant and active community of jewelry makers at the turn of the century in Boston, united by the ideals of the Arts and Crafts movement, created...
Postcards from Africa
Photographers of the Colonial Era
Photographers in Africa grasped the opportunity to serve a lucrative market for images of the continent, both locally and worldwide, during the global...
Louis Comfort Tiffany
Parakeets Window
The story of the Parakeets stained glass window—from national and international recognition to years of obscurity, followed by a return to the...
Arts of Ancient Nubia
Ancient Nubia was home to a series of civilizations between the sixth millennium B.C. and A.D. 350 that produced towering monuments, including more...
Unearthing Ancient Nubia
Photographs from the Harvard University—Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
A chance to witness how ancient Nubian treasures were uncovered at the beginning of the twentieth century Specially trained Egyptian photographers...
Edward Weston
The Early Years
This book tells the story of Edward Weston before he was Edward Weston — before he was the renowned modernist photographer we know so well. His early...
The 8 Brokens
Chinese Bapo Painting
Developed during the mid-nineteenth century in China, the bapo "eight brokens" painting genre combines ingeniously realistic depictions of antique...